The Minnesota Wildflowers Info. app was developed to serve as a convenient offline complement to, ensuring that you can access the information even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity.
The app has profiles for 1,814 plants with over 16,000 images covering:
•114 Aquatics
•76 Ferns & Fern Allies
•1134 Forbs
•154 Grasses
•24 Rushes
•207 Sedges
•169 Shrubs
•98 Trees
Each profile contains a detailed description with insight into how species are distinguished from similar species, a distribution map for Minnesota, a table of traits and general info, and images. A complete list of plants that are known to occur in MN is also included.
A user-friendly, multi-access key assists with plant identification. As traits are selected in the multi-access key, plants that do not have the trait are eliminated, and traits that do not serve to narrow the results are grayed out.
As an additional feature to assist with plant identification, two plant profiles can be compared at once, side-by-side, by turning on the “Comparison View” setting within the app.
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